Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The wife didn't snap and wing nut out. She snapped this picture. The orchid is on the breakfast nook table.

It's smoky today. Way smoky. Where there's smoke there fires. The fires that began June 21st still persist. Damn.

The house was opened last night before bedtime thinking the house would cool off before sunrise. This morning the house was cool alright but smoky, too. Yuck.

Looking outside you'd think a fog has settled in: The smoke is that thick in Cow Town.

Coming home from a dinner out last night we noticed vehicle after vehicle filled with National Guard troops and equipment - all headed toward the fires.

This can't last much longer, can it?

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Anonymous said...

i love all your pictures, Bob! and the wife took a great one today. a beauty!

have a wonderful wednesday! :)

!! said...

Hey Papa Watson!
You and Candace can come to Texas and visit, the air is nice and clean here. Mom just left, so the guest room is all yours for the taking! You are more than welcome here at the homestead!

Bunny said...

For your and everyone's sake, I hope the fires are out very VERY soon.

Bob said...

Katie: Thanks!

DNA: Will we have to babysit, too? And what about the dogs? And then there's my bad habits. We'd love to visit if you could tolerate what we bring to the table. And we could dance, just like the old days!

Bunny: We're hoping it is all coming to an end (the smoke, that is).

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States