Friday, June 26, 2009

Wifey: Super Shopper Extraordinaire

Wife could spend half her life piddling around shopping. Me? Get in, get it, get out. No screwing around. Our shopping styles are so different that I can't stand to go shopping with Wifey. It's so time consuming. Drives me nuts.

During our trip north last week our little burg of a town had sidewalk sales, street food, cowboy shootouts, and a live band playing religious music (complete with groupies waving their arms, swaying with the music).

The town closed a couple of streets to make room for all of the activities.

So here's Wifey shopping for books and flashcards for the grandchild. Box after box after box as put forth by a hospice organization raising money. So I walk around. And around. And around while waiting for Wifey to finish shopping.

To kill time I stand in front of the bandstand to listen to religious themed music and join in with the arm wavers. It was cool to get a little of the flavor of the moment. During my arm waving and looking to the sky one woman shouted, "Praise the Lord!" which I followed by shouting, "And pass the ammunition!" That didn't go over in the least bit.

I like towns with character. Buildings constructed of stones and brick are my cup of tea. They've got heart and plenty of soul. I've always wanted to buy an older building circa turn of the 20th century, renovate it and create an open loft for living on the second floor.

Take the Elks Lodge just down from where Wifey was shopping. Definitely that empty canvas for what I'd love to create.

With the time I spent waiting I could have rehabbed the whole building.
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Anonymous said...

So why go with her?

Bob said...

I don't usually. Last weekend's outing was out of the ordinary.

Max said...

"And pass the ammunition"? I'd of gone with a "Hail Satan!", but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

WHAT??!!! You WERE there? Why didn't you call? G & I did the Firehouse breakfast at 9/9:30a.m. and walked the streets. YOu would have LOVED the inside of the Lodge, G is a member. I wasn't sure you were coming, otherwise I would have annoyed you with a call We were home by 12noon. :((((( 88thggf P.S. Plus I was looking for someone to see the "Hangover" with!

Bob said...

Anon: Sorry.

Deech said...

I am right there with you Bob. Shopping? If I can't get it done in 5 minutes I don't go.

Bob said...

Fox: Absolutely.

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States