Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Butterfly House

Several weekends ago we took one of the grandchildren to the nature park. A visit there requires a tour of the Butterfly House.

It's an outdoor, screened exhbit chuck full of butterflies. Now is the time to visit as the time for butterflies in nature is fast coming to an end.

These are a few of the shots that I snapped that were actually in focus or close to it.

Take a moment to click on any one of the first two pictures (they're the ones in focus!). The enlargement of one of these photos is just beautiful. Check it out.

It's Tuesday. There's bound to be no one at the lake. Time to get a sailing this morning.

Anchors aweigh, my boys!

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Deech said...

These are great pics Bob! Your Camera must be awesome to be able to take shots like these....

Bob said...

Joker - thanks!

The Smoking Redhead said...


Bob said...

Rachel: Glad you enjoyed it. You have the beauty of Montana . . .we got butterflies....trade ya!

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States