Sunday, December 17, 2006


There will be no exhange of Christmas gifts in our house this year. Nada. Zero. None. It's time to Peace Out, be Peaced instead of Peaced on.

'Cept for Grace Helen. Christmas should be just for the kids. I can hardly wait until she's old enough to hold a BB gun rifle. Then we'll have BB gun wars together in the backyard.

Speaking of BB gun wars remember the western hero Red Ryder? He had a BB gun named after him. Okay if you remember him, then who was Red Ryder's sidekick? His sidekicks name, can we call sidekicks that name anymore?

If I were Red Ryder, for real now, I'd have Brittany Spears, Pamela Anderson or maybe Scarlet Johannsen as my sidekick. They would fit Red Ryder's sidekick's nickname. Okay, okay, my dream chicks are not your dream chicks, what's the big deal? What if I said my dream chick was Hillary Clinton . . . you'd think I was nuts. Well, she's not. Settle for the first three choices and get over it. Candace says I deserve better than those three. Okay then, who?

Alright, I'll trade the most used up of my three choices for Beyonce`. How's that for a trade? Better yet, all three for Beyonce` who would be the one, the only sidekick. How's that for a male pig statement? Oink, oink!

I hope sidekicks can cook.

And if you don't remember the name of Red Ryder's sidekick I don't know what I'm going to do with you!

If I want something, I buy it. If Candace wants something, she buys it for herself. We need nothing. In fact, we need to get rid of most of this crap we call possessions. How much is enough when it comes to things that we own?

Most everyone we know along with our kids has everything they want. If they want something, they put it on their Visa card and then suffer for the next 24 months as they pay it off. That's life. We've all been in credit card hell at one time or another.

If someone wants a gift this Christmas and they're over the age of 18, they'll have to settle for that bag of shit mentioned in an earlier blog.

They say Christmas should be everyday, 365 days a year. Christmas is a state of mind. Why not feel Christmas in your heart and mind everyday? Is that possible?

This year what we would have paid for gifts for ourselves, our kids and others in our lives will go to charities who need a hand-up and not a hand-out. Time to walk the walk and stop our bleeding heart conversations about what's wrong in ths world.

Charity #1 Darfur. The real everyday killing field. Last week rebels aligned with the government killed 30 in a refugee camp. 85% of the victims are women and children. Bastards! Why? For the hell of it? For the aid supplies? For what?

There's a charity who provides solar ovens for families stuck in these camps. There are no utilities, no fuel for a fire, nothing to cook food on. This charity is also creating a center to offer counseling to victims of sexual assault. We're sending this charity a check.

Last night I was channel surfing and found the 1960's film TheMagnificent 7. It was cool, Steve McQueen, Yule Brenner and 5 other guys helped people in a village in Mexico rid themselves of a gang of bullies who regularly helped themselves to anything in the village.

I could do that in Darfur. AK-47 in hand, 6 mean dudes with me. We'd peace all over those rebels.

That's not going to happen. We're sending a check to help the refugees instead of a Bob with an AK-47. That way something will get done and Bob won't come home in a box.

Darfur Peace and Development, PO Box 5743, Fort Wayne IN 46895. There's a small article regarding this charity in the December 2006 Good House Keeping magazine. Page 114.

Charity #2 Another Chance Animal Welfare League, a local organization dedicated to the foster and permanent placement of animals without owners. They have a "no kill" doctrine and every animal is found a home. Another Chance is a group of people with kind hearts and open wallets.

We're helping Another Chance, a check is in the mail.

Another Chance Animal Welfare League, PO Box 308, Millville CA 96062.

Charity #3 The Good News Rescue Mission. Their doors are open 365 days a year for a hot and a cot for those with no place to go. The only hitch is if you want a hot and cot that you sit through a sermon.

They have other programs at the Mission. An educational program to help the homeless earn a GED, become computer literate, assist with reading skills and so on. Medical servies are provided for those in need. The Mission has a food pantry. On Thanksgiving they feed anyone who walks in their door. This year it took 500 turkeys to feed everyone.

We don't support the Mission's food pantry or their meal at Thanksgiving: There are those who don't need this kind of help who come for a Thanksgiving meal or a bag of food which in my opinion is a hand-out and not a hand-up. Our check will go to the day-to-day function of food and shelter for the homeless. Definitely a hand-up.

The Goodwill Rescue Mission, 3100 S. Market St, Redding CA 96001.

We're walking the walk because 'Tis the season to set our priorities straight this December and for every month of the year. Right now.

You can bet that there will be peace and Christmas in our hearts January through next December through the help we'll give to charities one through three.

Time to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk by doing something. Anything!

That goes for you, too! Are you feeling just a little bit guilty? If you're feeling peaced on then start walking!

The home in the picture? Not ours. For what it takes to light the exterior of a home like this the owners could have made a difference somewhere else.

Red Ryder's sidekick? Little Beaver.

Who played the part of Little Beaver in all 23 Red Ryder films? Actor Robert Blake. He named his horse Papoose. Can you believe that?

Check these sites more information about Red Ryder.

When I was a pup, Wild Bill Elliot as Red Ryder was the real deal.

Read this dam blog everyday and you'll learn something.

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States