Tuesday, June 19, 2007


There's a small airpark a couple of miles from where we live in Cow Town. It's home to the Highway Patrol helicopter and fixed wing aircraft as well as other small airplanes.

For the past 80 years the airpark has been home to Aviation Day. A pancake breakfast, aircraft on display and best of all, rides for everyone in several single engine aircraft or a helicopter have highlighted every Father's Day for nearly a century.

For 15 cents a pound a 20 minute ride around Cow Town is yours. Helicopter rides are 40 bucks a person.

Scott, Grace and Candace took a whirl in this plane. This was Grace's second Aviation Day airplane ride.

I prefer both of my feet to be flat on the ground, thank you very much.

Taxiing for takeoff makes for wind in your face.

A river runs through it - right through Cow Town.

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twilite said...

Hi Bob! I didn't know Cow Town was a place! Looks like an interesting place to have fun!

Anonymous said...

AHA!! Even the mustache is GONE!!! You look fabulous!!!! almost like 1959~~~ :)))))

Bob said...

Twilight: Cow Town is a place but you'll never find it on a map. People here want to keep it a secret and keep the Yuppies out of our town.

Mayberry: In 1959 you missed your chance, girl. See what you could have had! :)

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States