Friday, July 03, 2009

Venturing forth on the fourth

It's a little after 6. Wifey's getting ready. We're headed for the lake for early morning sailing.

We'll sail, return home before noon and pack-up to head north for the weekend. There's RV camping waiting for us.

Tomorrow is Independence Day. Write down these reminders for tomorrow and every other day of the week:

Cherish your freedom.

Fiercely protect it.
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Deech said...

Happy 4th Bob! Take lots of pics of you and Wifey on the boat!

Rhea Cook said...

Have a wonderful weekend.

Max said...

Happy 4th of July!

Bob said...

Fox: Yup. Doing it.

Rhea: Hey girl, start blogging!

Max: Thanks. You too.

Max said...

No post or photos from sailing... Let me guess, it was hot and flat?

Bob said...

Yup, Max. Hot. Flat. We just sat, talked, enjoyed the scenery and being on the lake. No pics to speak of. Have a couple to post later on today or tomorrow. There were/are a shitload of patio and ski boats on the lake it being the 4th. Since Shasta is so low WT lake is the choice of those with power boats . . . that is, until the wind kicks up. I've never seen WT so busy.

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States