Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's been one of those weeks and it is only Thursday.

40 hours of work in 3 days. 40. And it's only Thursday!

Three student suspensions.

1 for Smoking pot.

1 for A lighter and an aerosol can of deodorant in the boys locker room = one hell of a torch.

1 for Out of control, shouting profanities.

Then there's the three night obligations this week that add to an already long day. But I love what I do. It's my passion. My life. What defines Bob.

TGIF never meant so much. I need the weekend to charge the old batteries.

Mom used to sing the song when she was a bit blue, Look for the Silver Lining. Many posts ago I posted the lyrics to the song. I'll do that again. I need that silver lining to get through another day.

My office staff presented me with a T-shirt yesterday. The front of the shirt reads:





I've only been working with them for 2 and a half months and they think they have Bob pegged. Is this me? Only I know that Bob is mostly a figment of his own imagination and a legend in his own mind.

Whoever I am or whoever/whatever I've turned out to be, I gotta be me. What you see is what you 're gonna get.

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Deech said...

Just remember that where ever you go...there you are! Good Post today Bob. Would it help you to know that I feel the way you do now usually on Mondays at around 9:05am?


Erin said...

I think Bob is a litte more real then you can actually admit :)

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States