Friday, March 25, 2011

These Are The Feet

The Educational Foundation at Gracie's school sponsors an adult dinner, dance and auction.  All of the proceeds fund classroom projects that are beyond the means of the school district.

In addition to the gift baskets that are auctioned off each classroom creates something that can be offered up for bid, too.  It's not unusual for classroom projects to bring anywhere from a thousand bucks to over four thousand.  Yes, many of the parents at Gracie's school are movers, shakers and high rollers. 

Grace's third grade class created a collage of pictures drawn by each student.  The theme of the project centered around "where are you going in life". . . .captioned with, These Are The Feet (that are going to get you there).

Here's Grace showing off the finished product.  I should ask her teacher how much it was auctioned for.  Bet is was way over a thousand bucks and I bet I know who took it home (a high rolling contractor dude with money to burn and who will never let anyone "one up" him.

Grace's picture is located on the far right and close to the top.  It's the one with the color orange at the heel of her foot.

It was interesting to see that Grace visions her feet taking her to New York City (NYC) and on the stage.

Maybe she'll be the next ga-ga sensation.  Gracie Ga-Ga!

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