Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tripping Out

With school starting and everyone back at work it's time to start thinking of a little traveling.  In anticipation of doing some trailer traveling repairs were made last week to the trailer and new tires installed.  You could say we're good to go.

We're both looking forward to getting away.  There's a beachside RV park in Oregon we'll camp at and a week or two will be spent at a small lake which is just down the hill from Crater Lake.  There won't be many people camping or on the road.  That's my cup of tea.

There were thoughts of traveling into Canada but it gets expensive when it comes to filling the truck's tank with diesel.  Think about it:  A tank of diesel runs $150.  While pulling a 12,000 pound trailer the truck gets +/- 200 miles a fill-up.  If we go 600 miles north and back that amounts to $900. Staying closer to home is a good thing.

Ya think?

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States