Friday, November 03, 2006


There have been times in my life when I've looked at other families and thought, "Golly, what a great life they have together." Later I'd find that life in their family was anything but fun and perfection. The saying, "All that glitters is not always gold" is often the case when it comes to life in the family - any family. After all, we're human and we're far from being perfect.

Today is picture day. Around the time of Grace's birthday we have pictures taken professionally of the dogs, Grace and the two of us. This will be the fourth year. It's been a nice chronicle of how our little Grace has grown over the years. We'll continue to have a yearly picture taken as long as someone is able to prop me up for a picture and only if I can keep my teeth in my mouth.

The group of four pictures were taken last year. Don't we look like Ozzie and Harriet? Did I mention that David and Ricky are off to military boarding school? Hut, one, two, three four...gimme a left, right, left . . . tuck those stomachs in!

This picture served as the cover for last year's Christmas cards. Posted by Picasa

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States