Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey Mona

This one is for our troops fighting for our country in far away plce.

Hey guys - come home. We've got babes in the good old USA. There ain't no Mona's in the bunch. All them Mona's are in Afganistan Banana Stand. Come Home! HEAR?!


Deech said...

The worst part of that video is how it promises to be the end every 4th or 5th frame, but the video just keeps on going....

Scared the shit out of me.....

La Roo said...

You're a giver Bob.

Bob said...

Fox: I think that I dated this chick during my years in the military. As they say, any port in the storm. . .

Laroo: But sometimes a taker. . . . :)

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States