Saturday, April 20, 2013

Murphy's Law

#12 Nothing is easy as it looks...

#13 If anything can go wrong it will....

So, looking at Law number'd think that walking would be a no get up, you walk.  Well folks, at ain't that damn easy. Something I have taken for granted all these years is suddenly a huge challenge....

Take eating as another example of Law #12,,,,unless my neck is positioned down and I'm talking wayyyy down, choking, gagging, etc. takes place thereby elimating any intelligent conversation...well, the good Lord finally figured out a way to shut old Bob up during meals...

Then there's manual dexterity....can't even tie my own shoes....thank God for son-in-law Keith who does everything fo me that is related to showering and dressing.  He is a real jewel.

And then there's rule #13...Like old Capt Bob fallling flat on his not being able to get up in time to make the toilet..yes, walking remains a huge challenge.

I think that I've vented more than enough...Thanks ever so much for reading this stupid ass blog..

1 comment:

Max said...

How about smoothies, do they go down easy? A couple bananas, milk, orange juice, and some ice? Toss in some protein powder and Super Food green vegetable powder...?

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