Monday, July 11, 2011

Living Rural

Less than 20 minutes from the house is this:  Shasta Lake with front row views of Mt. Shasta.

There's a price to pay or trade-offs for living rural.  It's nothing like living in the San Francisco Bay Area.  We miss the live music, the food, the festivals, the lectures . . .. but don't miss the traffic, the crowding, NIMBY thinking, high prices and poor air quality.

Living about as far north as possible in California presents many recreational opportunities just out our back door.  We moor our sailboat in a lake that's just 12 miles from the house.  Traffic?  What's that?!  Air quality . . . suck in fresh mountain air 24/7.  Housing?  Nice ones start at less than 200k . . . with some around 100.  It's safe.  You can walk around town at 2 in the morning and be safe (but still need to be mindful and look over your shoulder to check your 6).  Summers are hot.  It is not uncommon for temperatures to be 100 plus for 30-45 days in a row.  Winters are wet and once in a while it snows below 1,000 feet (we live at an elevation of 860 feet above sea level).

I could go on and on.  You get the idea. 

I miss the Bay Area but I could not go back to living there.  I've been spoiled.

1 comment:

La Roo said...

You are where you need to be then!
You can visit the hustle and bustle every know and then and get your fix and then back to your peace and quiet. It's beautiful up your way and I can appreciate it, but where we differ is I need the hustle bustle. So, we can come visit you and relax and come back to our over crowded smoggy life as we know it.
I love diversity!~

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States