Friday, March 28, 2008


Gracie posed for a picture yesterday. She wanted to show a high school cowgirl friend in Big Valley what she looked like wearing the purple scarf that she had made for her.

She's not met her friend yet but both are anxious to get together, ride the range and exchange cowgirl stories.

The friend made the scarf to match Gracie's purple cowgirl boots.

Ain't she just the picture of the old West?
A cowgirl just isn't complete without a rope and a 6 shooter.

Gracie can swing a decent rope for a kid her age. And she is learning about pistols.

Check out the buckle on her belt. Too sweet!
Every cowgirl has a soft spot in their heart for animals. .. like their horse and their dog. This girl is no exception.

Here Grace is with daughter Dawn's dog Flirt.

Ain't they cute?!Posted by Picasa


Deech said...

Those pics are adorable. I wonder what it is about pink that all little girls get into?


The Smoking Redhead said...

Too cute!!

Kittie Kate said...

She's a cutie!
I like your doggie too! She's a cutie too!

Evalinn said...

How cool!

Sexy Duet said...

Gracie is just too cute!!!


Bob said...

Fox: Damned if I know. Might make for a great Master's thesis for someone.

Rachel: Yes!

Kittie Kate: Thanks!

Evalin: Thanks!

MS SD: She's the apple of my eye.

Blessed said...

Giddy up partner!

Blessed said...

Hey Bob did I ever tell ya I want me some chaps and some spurs?

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Whiskeytown Lake, Very Northern California, United States